2022.09–于今 西北农林科技大学,资源环境学院,副教师
2020.08–2022.09 西北农林科技大学,资源环境学院,农业资源与环境流动站,博士后
2017.09–2020.08 西北农林科技大学,资源环境学院,环境科学专科,品色堂免费论坛博士
1. 博士后翻新东谈主才支柱想象“抗生素和重金属对堆肥经由中抗生素抗性基因的影响”, 2020-2022年,主执,结题。
2. 国度当然科学基金后生模式“抗生素调理压力下滋生场湮灭物中抗生素抗性基因水平改革机制磋磨”,2023-2025年,主执,在研。
3. 西北农林科技大学博士科研起原基金“滋生场湮灭物中抗生素抗性基因传播及削减机制磋磨”,2019-2021年,主执,在研。
1. Hu T, Zhen L, Gu J, Wang X, Sun W, Song Z, Xie J, An L, Luo B, Qian X. 2022. Clarifying the beneficial effects of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria for reducing abundances of antibiotic resistance genes during swine manure composting. Bioresource Technology, 353, 127117.
2. Hu T, Wang X, Zhen L, Gu J, Zhang K, Wang Q, Ma J, Peng H, Lei L, Zhao W. 2019. Effects of inoculating with lignocellulose-degrading consortium on cellulose-degrading genes and fungal community during co-composting of spent mushroom substrate with swine manure. Bioresource Technology, 291, 121876.
国厂偷拍在线播放3. Hu T, Wang X, Zhen L, Gu J, Song Z, Sun W, Xie J. 2021. Succession of diazotroph community and functional gene response to inoculating swine manure compost with a lignocellulose-degrading consortium. Bioresource Technology, 337, 125469.
4. Hu T, Wang X, Zhen L, Gu J, Zhang K, Wang Q, Ma J, Peng H. 2019. Effects of inoculation with lignocellulose-degrading microorganisms on antibiotic resistance genes and the bacterial community during co-composting of swine manure with spent mushroom substrate. Environmental Pollution, 252, 110–118.
5. Hu T, Gu J, Zhen L, Lv R, Chang F, Jia F. 2021. Influences of potassium solubilizing bacteria and K-feldspar on enzyme activities and metabolic activities of the bacterial communities in kiwifruit planting soil. The Journal of general and applied microbiology, 67(3), 106–113.
6. 胡婷, 谷洁, 甄丽莎, 杨玖, 史龙翔, 王小娟, 高华. 2014. 石油约束泥土中苯酚降解菌ad049的断然及降解特色. 生态学报, 34(05), 1140–1148.
7. Zhen L, Hu T, Lv R, Wu Y, Chang F, Jia F, Gu Jie. 2020. Succession of microbial communities and synergetic effects during bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soil enhanced by chemical oxidation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 410, 124869.
8. Zhen L, Gu J, Hu T, Chen Z. 2018. Effects of compost containing oxytetracycline on enzyme activities and microbial communities in maize rhizosphere soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 29459–29467.
9. Xie J, Gu J, Wang X, Hu T, Sun W, Lei L, Zhang R, Guo H. 2021. Insights into the beneficial effects of woody peat for reducing abundances of antibiotic resistance genes during composting. Bioresource Technology, 342, 125903.
10. Zhao W, Gu J, Wang X, Song Z, Hu T, Dai X, Wang J, 2022. Insights into the associations of copper and zinc with nitrogen metabolism during manure composting with shrimp shell powder. Bioresource Technology, 349, 126431.
胡婷(9/11),2015. 农业湮灭物肥料化行使缺欠时代磋磨与应用,陕西省科学时代二等奖
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